Friday, 14 March 2014


Eurgh. Friday Feelings is an awful blog title.


Grand Budapest Hotel

'Well that was a bloody good film' I actually said out loud in the cinema, slapping my knee like a satisfied dad. Wes Anderson really made me want to work in a hotel, even though I've seen The Hotel on Channel 4 and it seems a lot less whimsical. Wouldn't mind working with that manager though
Whadda guy

As usual the aesthetics of the whole film were so lovely (that goddamn wallpaper) and yeah there was no real peril so I didn't have to worry about breaking out in panic tears in the middle of the cinema (panic tears- see Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, that one scene in the Simpsons Movie...)

Also my cousins wedding was two weeks ago and I was channeling some Agatha milk maid plaits. Maiden plaits? WHO KNOWS.
Yeah.. it looked a lot more similar in my head.

Home Stuff

These clocks from society6 feature designs by Kate Gabrielle of Scathingly Brilliant, who is one of my favourite bloggers (not just because she loves cats and The Office but because she REALLY loves cats and The Office, and that's something I can get on board with) Anywho look how cute and vintage lookin' they are guuuys

It creeps me out that all the clocks are all at the exact same time. I don't know why.
vintage 5, vintage 12 and vintage 15 wall clocks by Kate Gabrielle

Just Something Good

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