Saturday, 29 March 2014


Wa Wa We Wa, birthday week has been and gone, so here's some pictures!

Me and mother dearest went antiquing on my b-day hoping to find a wardrobe, mirror and clock. We came back with two mirrors and a jug which I think is close enough.

Intriguing sticker-ed up chest at the first antique place

I l-l-l-loved these 50s (eh? I literally just guess decades) wall lights

And then an afternoon of cake and more presents, including this beauty:
Plain white pot with circus tape from Tiger. God bless Tiger.

Friday night was party night, and I literally fell asleep at half 1, 23 is turning out to be a truly wild age.

A sad girl in her new party dress- this is mirror no.1!

Provided by Becca the baker
And last of all my cutey pie kitchen cabinet- 100% free from my sisters new house (left behind by previous owners) and then I threw bunting and birthday cards on it.

There is bunting in every room in my house. Birthday jug in bottom right hand corner.

Will update tomorrow with the wicked cool stuff I have seen on the internet. Byeeeeee

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