Saturday, 29 March 2014


Wa Wa We Wa, birthday week has been and gone, so here's some pictures!

Me and mother dearest went antiquing on my b-day hoping to find a wardrobe, mirror and clock. We came back with two mirrors and a jug which I think is close enough.

Intriguing sticker-ed up chest at the first antique place

I l-l-l-loved these 50s (eh? I literally just guess decades) wall lights

And then an afternoon of cake and more presents, including this beauty:
Plain white pot with circus tape from Tiger. God bless Tiger.

Friday night was party night, and I literally fell asleep at half 1, 23 is turning out to be a truly wild age.

A sad girl in her new party dress- this is mirror no.1!

Provided by Becca the baker
And last of all my cutey pie kitchen cabinet- 100% free from my sisters new house (left behind by previous owners) and then I threw bunting and birthday cards on it.

There is bunting in every room in my house. Birthday jug in bottom right hand corner.

Will update tomorrow with the wicked cool stuff I have seen on the internet. Byeeeeee

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Probably little over a week ago my sister Emily asked if I wanted to help her run her friend's shop in Dalston, Fee Fee La Fou HQ, founded and run by the mysterious Fee (mysterious only to me as I did not get the chance to meet her- which was a shame as she sounds like one insanely cool and lovely human). At first as I was unsure, as I reserve my weekends for sorting out our *relatively* new house or tidying the spare room, which incidentally looks a lot like lying down in my underwear and eating noodles whilst watching True Detective (so bummed it's over, and no Matthew McConaughey in the 2nd Series?!? It's Rustin Cohle or straight up nuthin' HBO!) but once Em assured me the shop had magical properties and my responsibilities would be close to zero, I was SOLD.

The shop is a hop, skip and jump away from Dalton Kingsland underground, and it is a NEON DREAM.

Filled with home-ware items that are either ridiculously cute, ridiculously colourful or ridiculously covered in stuffed toys, Fee Fee La Fou is an Aladdin's cave of the circus themed variety.

Look into those cornflower blue eyes and tell me this isn't the cutest yet also 'ahh kill it with fire' thing you've ever seen in your life.
I imagine the one in the middle being like 'The paints in my eye, THERE'S PAINT IN MY ONE EYE! Oh God... oh no...therghs pauntgh in ma maaof!! Paunthgh iundn, Oh Godgghg'
Anyway here's the things I wanted most, as this blog is getting a reputation for me ending posts with stuff I want, like the spoilt little foot-stompin' baby I am:

From left: Rob Flowers 'Crystal Wood' Mushroom King, AMAZING phone which I unfortunately didn't look to see who made it, and the most beautiful, magical  mermaid screen print by Rosita Bonita. All available at Fee Fee la Fou HQ, Dalston!

Anyway enough gushing. Let's finish with a photo of me and my darling boy

Shrouded in the glow of new Motherhood

Friday, 14 March 2014


Eurgh. Friday Feelings is an awful blog title.


Grand Budapest Hotel

'Well that was a bloody good film' I actually said out loud in the cinema, slapping my knee like a satisfied dad. Wes Anderson really made me want to work in a hotel, even though I've seen The Hotel on Channel 4 and it seems a lot less whimsical. Wouldn't mind working with that manager though
Whadda guy

As usual the aesthetics of the whole film were so lovely (that goddamn wallpaper) and yeah there was no real peril so I didn't have to worry about breaking out in panic tears in the middle of the cinema (panic tears- see Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, that one scene in the Simpsons Movie...)

Also my cousins wedding was two weeks ago and I was channeling some Agatha milk maid plaits. Maiden plaits? WHO KNOWS.
Yeah.. it looked a lot more similar in my head.

Home Stuff

These clocks from society6 feature designs by Kate Gabrielle of Scathingly Brilliant, who is one of my favourite bloggers (not just because she loves cats and The Office but because she REALLY loves cats and The Office, and that's something I can get on board with) Anywho look how cute and vintage lookin' they are guuuys

It creeps me out that all the clocks are all at the exact same time. I don't know why.
vintage 5, vintage 12 and vintage 15 wall clocks by Kate Gabrielle

Just Something Good

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Week 1: Urban Outfitters Dream Items

Clockwise from top: Mid Century Two-Tone Side Table, Marble Tapestry Throw, Magazine Rack in Green,
Rug in Triangle Repeat, Metal Shelf in White, Overdyed Rug in Blue

Very into simple or Mid Century furniture and then blam lots of technicolor thrown in.

I had big plans to modify our cream curtains by adding some 60's psychedelic fabric and then some bright yellow pom pom trim, but when I mentioned it to Ali he made it very clear that it sounded like a gross idea.

I was also considering naming this blog 'Little Pearl' (I think that's what my name means) but it sounds like a weird jewellery/tampon brand so SMURF BITE obviously seems like a way better option.

Anyway someone buy me these things for my house because I am a disgusting hipster.

WHOOPS I think I want a life style blog

Here is where I'm going to try and record any crafts, d.i.y, meals and general house-y stuff.

It took all my will power to not call this blog 'Home is where the Fart is' so let's just see how this goes.